there is the download link
I can not find links to download this wonderful add-on.anyone have a file server plugin asking it to send me an email [email protected], I would be grateful:)
Spong 4.2.0 api
The commands in this wiki don't work for my 1.8.9 sponge server
How can I see user (or group) permissions?
Adding rank permissions/commands
I got a rank, lets call it Member, but how do I add permissions for that rank? I get the whole "/pm promotion (group_name) add command (command)" but what do I put as command? I tried "/pm promotion Member add command /fly" (Or just plain fly). But it doesn't work, still don't have any commands/permissions for anything other than myself (opped) and I would love to add permission to warp, tp and souch!
Sponge 1.12 + Nucleus + Permission Manager
Hello !
Promotion based on Time played?
How can a promotion be automatically applied based on the time played?
Where is the old interface of the manager?
When I use /pm, i get the message: "No such command"
Prefix on the left
How can I change the prefix to be on the left of the players name.
I have Nucleus but wont override and add a prefix?
why wont it do this?
Renaming a Group
How can I rename a Group? For instance say i want to rename the default group to TEST. How would i do that?