Simple setup

This tutorial will show you the basics of PermissionManager. At the end, you will be able to manage your groups, players and promotions.

For this tutorial, we will create a simple setup. We will create 3 groups.

Groups: Visitor, Member and Admin.

How to be an admin

To execute all the following commands, you need to be an admin. For this, go into your console and do this command.

/pm user your_username set permission *

You are now an admin.


The group Visitor will be the group by default every player will receive when they will join your server the first time. So, all the new players will be in this group by default.

To create this group, you have to do this command. The command will automatically create the group Visitor if it doesn't exist and then it will set it as the default one.

/pm group Visitor default

Now, you can set the permissions/options of this group. To do this, you have to do this command.

/pm group Visitor set permission
/pm group Visitor set option option_to_set_here

If you want to set a prefix to Visitor click here.


The group Member will be the group that contains all the active players of your server. This group will inherits of all the permissions/options of the group Visitor.

To create this group, you have to do this command. The command will automatically create the group Member if it doesn't exist and then add the group Visitor to it. When you add the group X to the group Y, the group Y will inherit of all the permissions/options of the group X. The group Y can also override the permissions/options of the group X. In our case, the group X is Visitor and the group Y is Member.

/pm group Member add group Visitor

If you added a prefix to the group Visitor, the group Member will have it. If you want to set a prefix that override the prefix of Visitor, you have to do this command.

/pm group Member set option prefix '[Your prefix here]'

If you want to override a permission of Visitor, you have to do this.

/pm group Member set permission


The admin group will only contains the administrators of your server. The players on this group will have all the permission like an OP. To do this, you have one command to do.

/pm group Admin set permission *

The permission * will give all the permissions to the group/player who has it.

If you want to set a prefix to Admin click here.


The promotions are here to ease the changes between one group to another one. A promotions contains a list of commands to be executed. To execute a promotion you have to do this /pm promote player_name_here promotion_name_here.

We will create two promotions. One to change a player from Visitor to Member and the other to change a Member to Admin.

Promotion - Member

First of all, you have to create your promotion. We will name it Member.

/pm promotion Member add command 'pm user @p add group Member'
/pm promotion Member add command 'pm user @p remove group Visitor'
/pm promotion Member add command 'economy @p add 100' #This is a fake command

This promotion will execute three commands. It will add the group Member to the player, it will remove the group Visitor to the player and it will add 100$ to the bank account of the player. Also, the @p will be replaced by the name of the player when you will promote the player.

Promotion - Admin

This promotion will remove all the groups the player has and it will receive the group Admin.

/pm promotion Admin add command '/pm user @p clear parents'
/pm promotion Admin add command 'pm user @p add group Admin'


Now, you can manage your groups and promotions. If you have any questions about PermissionManager, you can use the search bar on the right, check the F.A.Q. or join our Discord.