What is a subject?

A subject is something that can contain permissions, options and subjects. All the players and the groups are a subject. You can find more informations here.

What is a collection?

A collection contains subjects. All the players are on the collection user and the groups are in the collection group. You can find more informations here.

The default group

The default group is the group the new players will receive when they will connect for the first time on the server. If you change the default group, only the new players will automatically receive the group at their first connection. Sometimes, the default group will be automatically generated and it will be named group_xxxx. You should change its name with this command.

Which database should I use?

It depends the number of server you have. If you only have one server, you should use H2. If you use more than one server you should use MySQL. By default it is H2, so you won't have to do any configuration.

How do I set a prefix? How do I set the color the name of a group/user in the chat?

Set prefix

I'm an OP and I don't have permissions.

The OP system doesn't work with a permission plugin. To have all the permissions, you should use the permission *. Do this in the console /pm user your_username set permission * and you will have all the permissions.

Does PermissionManager have a rank system?

You can use the promotions. You can find more informations here .

Rename a group

To rename a group, you have to set the identifier. You can do it with this command.