

A promotion contains a list of commands to execute.


The commands of a promotion can contains an option. @p is the option you can use in the commands. This option will be changed to the name of the player who receive the promotion.


You need to promote a player as a VIP. You could do the command /pm user user_to_promote add group VIP, but you also want to give him items and money which is a lot of commands to execute. The promotion can execute all these commands for you. To do this, you have to create the promotion VIP then add the commands to it. To add the commands, you have to do this: /pm promotion VIP add command 'command to add'.

If you want to add the group VIP to the player and give him 100 dollars you should do this.
/pm promotion VIP add command 'pm user @p add group VIP' (@p will be changed for the username of the player who receive the promotion)
/economyplugin add 100 @p (This is a fake command)

Commands related to the promotion.