Set option


Set an option to the subject. The subject will then be able to use the option.




/pm <collection> <subject> set option <option> <value> [-s <server>] [-w <world>] [-t <seconds>]


  • -s: The server where the subject will have the option.
  • -w: The world where the subject will have the option.
  • -t: How many time the subject will have the option. The time is in second.


Set an option to a player.
/pm user player_name set option option_to_set option_value

Set an option to a group.
/pm group group_name set option option_to_set option_value

Set an option to the default subject.
/pm default default set option option_to_set option_value

Set an option for 10 minutes.
/pm <collection> <subject> set option option_to_set option_value -t 600

Set an option for the world DIM1.
/pm <collection> <subject> set option option_to_set option_value -w DIM1

Set an option for a server. Only works if you have more than one server connected to your database.
/pm <collection> <subject> set option option_to_set option_value -s server_name

Set an option for the server in the world DIM-1 for 2 minutes.
/pm <collection> <subject> set option option_to_set option_value -s -w DIM-1 -t 120